Friday, November 12, 2010

The COLD Ride In

Took my Sportster to work yesterday because it was going to be 51 degrees later. It was 36 when I left the house and I wore two pairs of gloves, my leather inside an old pair of winter ones, would have been better the other way around but the leather wouldn't stretch enough. Stopped once on the 25 mile ride in to get feeling back to my throttle hand fingers. And well by the time I rode home at 4pm it was no longer 51 out and the sun was well below the trees. So unless I get good weather during the day and I can ride during the day I can say it's officially winter and time to turn the heater on and work on bikes. I have to work on cars this weekend and have to get them DONE as it's supposed to reach 61 (yeah right) and I have to work outside in the driveway when I do cars. So I want to take advantage of the warmish weather while I can. Here's a pic of the Sporty from a year ago several things have changed and I can't believe I don't have a recent pic but this will have to do.

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